Welcome to the world of Monsteca. The annual Stompy Migration begins today!
These hapless looking creatures are called Stompies. They are not known for their deep thinking or their powers of concentration, so they will need our help if they are going to make it through the increasingly robot infested lands of Monsteca.
As monster herders, it is our duty to guide the stompies from the lowland meadows to their summer grazing grounds in the far off Fungtree forest.
August 29th, 2010 at 1:28 am
Hey really loving the game, and no real complaints.
Just thought I’d mention that it crossed my mind how neat it might be if this game had visible weather conditions in some levels; it could even grab real-time info about the weather from the Wii’s Weather Channel.
March 29th, 2011 at 6:56 pm
Just to say that I have played the game and completed every level – I LOVE IT!
It reminded me in many ways of Pikmin, which was great, and, for 500 Wii Points or £3.50, I think it’s an incredible game.
I’m surprised at all the negative reviews that this game has had, and I’m really glad I didn’t read any before I downloaded the game, or I never would have played it.
The great gameplay, perfect camera controls and cute graphics make this an awesome game overall. I would recommend it to anyone, especially those who liked Pikmin.
One more thing – I adore the music to this game – any chance you could tell me who wrote it and/or where I can find it to listen to or buy?
Thanks for a great game!