Environments & Habitat
Habitats of some species may be very specific, Coral for example, are very picky about their surroundings and prefer water of a particular temperature, and chemistry. Some other animals like Rats (and Humans) can survive in pretty much any environment. Different species occupy the different habitats, so knowing the habitats will help you find particular creatures. Keeping a creature in it’s prefered Habitat (or in conditions that re-produce it) will be beneficial to it’s well-being and health. Lifeforms will have their habitat indicated in the encyclopedia so players will know where they might find them.
The most desolate environment on the home planet, the polar regions are the coldest and least hospitable. Any Creature not tough enough to handle freezing temperatures, crumbling and moving ice flows, doesn’t last long here.
Forests vary according to temperature and water levels. Lots of trees, parasitic plants shrubs and undergrowth. Lots of different creatures to find amongst the leafy surroundings.
In the Robot-built cities you will find all kinds of Creatures, though they are definitely out of their normal surroundings and can often be very different in their behaviour. Some may even have been mechanically altered by The Robots. Most creatures here are captive and can be traded, for other creatures, currency, or parts for robotics. Robots and parts can be bought, built, and modified at factories situated in cities, look hard enough you could find anything here.
Stretches of coastline are affected by the tide. Sandy beaches, mudflats are covered and uncovered by generally warmer water. A great number of species and high populations.
Deserts are basically just dry. Dry air doesn’t filter a sun’s rays making the nights extremely cold and the days very hot. Deserts are home to a few creatures that have equally extreme adaptations to exist there.
An area where the planet’s surface movement causes volcanoes, earthquakes move huge piles of rock into mountains and valleys, and danger is everywhere with lava flows and explosive gases erupting from the ground. The creatures you will find here are rare and can be very difficult to find and capture.
Less vegetation, and very specialised creatures live on mountains, the difficult nature of the terrain makes the animals that live here adapt extraordinary qualities to survive.
The oceans take up most of the planet’s surface. Teaming populations of animals living far from land, are distributed mainly according to temperature of the water and depth. The lower down you go, the darker it gets, and there are many things that are undiscovered in the ocean.
Grassy prairies, scrubland and some trees. Rainfall and sunlight are sufficient to maintain a wide variety of species.